While there is important research on Dominican agriculture and Dominican migration to the U.S., or on other parts of the world where Dominican have migrated, there is little scholarship on Dominican and Dominican immigrants foodways in food studies and in other disciplines. I created a syllabus, with the few scholarly and non-academic publications available about Dominican and Dominican immigrants foodways.
Download the syllabus here.
You can read my article calling for more #DominicanFoodStudies here.
You can submit publications here.
The following references (in English and Spanish) will be accepted for review and inclusion:
· Peer-reviewed journal articles, peer-critiqued articles, reports, bulletins or books
· Other scholarly information produced outside traditional commercial publishing and distribution channels (e.g. theses and dissertations, technical reports, working papers, evaluation reports, conference proceedings, publications from NGOs, INGOs, think tanks and policy institutes)
· Video resources including documentaries, motion pictures, television series, TED Talks and interviews, and podcasts.
·Blogs, newspaper articles, and other grey literature.

This project draws inspiration from such as the #PRSyllabus #CharlestonSyllabus, #StandingRockSyllabus, and #ImmigrationSyllabus. Like those projects, I hope that this resource can serve as a platform for discussion and analysis of Dominican foodways in the homeland and in the diaspora.